My wife suggested to me that, this being a new year, we should make our mark. We should develop our plan for financial independence. Maybe the time is ripe to use our inane talents to our advantage. Lets scratch off the silvery substance to reveal a prize we deserve. She is a great mind. I love her.
She pointed out that I could take my music to the next level if I could just write something more in line with today’s trends. ” Tic toc is making people stars all the time” she said while mixing batter for pancakes furiously. She has celiac disease so the pancakes are always an experiment. I love her.
There was a time many years ago that I was in a band that really made a run at trying to be a household name. We managed a few households. Mostly dormitories. You can hear some of the bigger songs we had if you hit the soundcloud button at the top of the page. We played what we felt. I am so proud of what we had back then. We could improvise telepathically. It was visceral and violent. I loved that band.
When it comes to art whether it’s photography, music, painting, writing, whatever etc etc, I have to be whatever it is I have to be. I will be broke as far as that is concerned. I spend way more on gear that I have ever earned from performing. I’m sure there is a message in there somewhere. I love riddles.
I suppose the message is this: just be whoever you are going to be. Don’t mind how much money you have. Have a job that you go to and take what you need to get by. When you get home…create. Read. Write. Make great food. Paint the most horrible picture of a goat that you have ever seen and hang it above the fireplace. I love the process of being.
Don’t ever let anything get in the way of you being you. You know the things you love.
Cheers and good food!